Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday, March 2

Last week, Grammy Alana paid a visit to Tulsa and got some much needed time with the baby. We had a great time with her. While she was here, we made a few new discoveries. Addison figured out how to smile and laugh out loud, which is pretty stinkin' cute if you ask me. She certainly talks to us, but can't quite make out any words yet. I have her working on "daddy", and we'll get there soon enough. However, some of the words she can say are "bbbbbbbbb" and "gu". Every now and then, she will change the pitch of her voice and squeal, but not too often. She's pretty laid back, which isn't too much of a suprise taking into consideration who her parents are, but we're glad she is. Just the past few days, she has started to sleep longer at night and her feedings are a little more spread out during the day. We aren't quite sure if this is going to stick, but we are, I mean Rachel is happy that she gets more sleep at night. Frankly, I just don't even hear anything at night anymore. If it does stick, we are going to start with the tough love in the evenings, and make her cry herself to sleep. This, of course, is the most horrible thing on the face of the planet, but we have to set some rules around here and make our little Addison go to bed at a more reasonable time. This whole staying up late situation just isn't going to cut it, so tough love it is. Ha, wrapped around her little finger they say!

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