The story of our beautiful daughter and our journey through the first two years of Down Syndrome
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Weds, September 17
I know some of you are anxious to see beach pictures- Mom- so I didn’t want to delay in getting these pictures posted. Addison absolutely LOVED the beach! Everytime a wave would come up over her feet she’d get so excited and start kicking and laughing. She had a great time playing with her cousins, Matt and Ethan, and the rest of the family. We decided this week that Addison needs to spend more time around older kids. She was so enthralled by them and everything they did. They were good buddies by the end of the week. Addison also turned 9 months old last week, which means it's time for another picture with the bear. She knows now that when the camera is pointed at her, she’s supposed to smile. It’s pretty funny. She had her 9 month check-up today, and was off the DS growth chart on her weight (but off the high end this time). The doctor mentioned that so far her Down’s seems pretty mild, and this may just be an indicator that her physical features are mild as well. All encouraging things to hear. Down’s or not, we know that she is on the severe end of cute and lovable!
Hi, I just found your blog @ the Gifts website. Addison is BEAUTIFUL!!!. Many Blessings ~
Hey guys! Looks like the beach was a lot of fun! I LOVE the turtle tube picture!! Addison is adorable!
-Andrea Duntley
Of course- she is SEVERELY cute and loveable! Great pics! luv, ktm
Hey Wes,
Your sweet girl is so beautiful! Love your blog! Hope life is going well for you guys!
Holly (Hill)Steffensrud
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