Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday, October 10

Wes and I have both noticed lately that Addison seems to be connecting with us more. We’ll laugh at her about something she’s doing, and she’ll stop and look at us, and smile. She’s been showing us what she wants by grabbing our hands and putting them on the toy she wants us to squeeze or push or spin. She’s also started to become interested in Baby Einstein’s DVDs. Sometimes she’ll be sitting there watching it and just laugh out loud!

I mentioned last time that Addison was learning to clap. Well, she is a pro at it now. We were sitting in the floor playing the other day, and she just started clapping on her own.

She is also very interested in Bearfoot, our chocolate lab. He is so sweet with her, and she LOVES to grab anything she can as he passes by. She’ll pull his ears and his lip and climb all over his face, and when he’s had enough, he just gets up and moves.
It’s been a little cooler lately, so I’ve had to kind of bundle Addison up when I go running in the mornings. I found these little bunny slippers in our stash of baby gifts to grow into, and they’re perfect! She loves playing with the little bunny ears, and has actually done well at keeping them on her feet. I keep them on her as long as I can in the mornings because they’re just so cute. Gotta keep the little piggies warm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my, my, my... Bear has grown into quite the studly man-dog :-)