Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday, March 20

I guess you know it’s been too long since an update when you start getting threats from family and friends.  Addison has had a busy few weeks.  She went to Waco to visit Grans and Grandaddy for a few days, and got to be the guest speaker at Grans’s class on special needs.  She did a great job, and I think she loved the attention.  She put on quite a show waving, talking and smiling at these students who have been hearing about her all semester.  She then took her first trip to Austin, Texas where she attended her first baby shower.  She didn’t really get into any of the games, but she did enjoy playing with the tissue paper, and tried to eat another girl’s cake. 

After we returned home, she had a visit from Grammy and BopBop.  She took a little bit to remember them, but once she did, she had a blast.  We did a little bit of shopping and lots of eating and relaxing- just what the doctor ordered 

Addison has grown up so much in the last few weeks.  She is pulling up on everything that’s attached, and occasionally on something that’s not.  She now signs more, milk, eat and all done.  Other new experiences have included eating dog food- which I don’t think she liked, but probably would be willing to try again, and being told she’s going to be a big sister- which she doesn’t care much about yet.  We’ll see how she feels when September rolls around! 

1 comment:

Susie said...

Congratulations, Addison, upon becoming a big sis in September! Your Mommy just snuck that happy news right in there, didn't she??! :-)
Love the way you help Gammy read the magazines!
Susie Wheaton