Monday, June 9, 2008

Sunday, June 8

This past week, Addison started eating solids. So far, the solids include rice cereal. If you haven't tried it, don't start now. I've heard it tastes just like you would think...wallpaper paste. After hearing that, I decided it wasn't necessary to try it myself, and based on the look on Addison's face when it touched her tongue, I think that was a wise decision. It's possible that she is warming up to it though.
Most people say that sleeping at night with a baby is a challenge. Nighttime sleep doesn't seem to be a problem for Addison, it's the daytime naps that she has struggled with in the past. However, this past week, I think she's started to find her stride.
We had a glorious weekend! This morning was Addison's baby dedication at church. We had the pleasure of introducing her to the entire church, and they had the opportunity to hear her story. It was a short story, but a good one. She even left the congregation with a little bit of herself before she left the spotlight by spitting up all over the pastor and the floor.
Grammy Alana spent most of the week with Addison before everyone else came for the weekend, and they had a great time together. Grammy and Grans also found a few new outfits that were necessary additions. Very cute!

This week, we have Sooner Start on Wednesday rechecking Addison's hearing. We have an eye doctor appointment on Friday to check for cataracts and figure out if Addison needs surgery on her tear ducts because of their lack of drainability, and we also have the six-month checkup with a whole bunch of shots to boot. So, a busy week for sure. Please pray for all of the above.

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