Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday, June 29

For the past couple of weeks, things have been great with Addison. We did another blood test just to make sure that everything was good, and we found out that her TSH levels are normal, which pretty much means that there is no issue with her thyroid. They had to stick her four times, but at least we don't have to do that again for another six months. Last weekend, Addison attended her first wedding, which was an interesting experience. She stayed up way later than she should have, and loved every minute of it. If her eyes were closed and she was on her way to dreamland, and someone new came up to see her, she would perk up like it's time to start the party all over again. She didn't want to miss a thing. She swam in the pool with her two cousins and enjoyed the water immensely. She usually loves the water, but she gets a little nervous when she gets too far away from mommy or daddy's body. However, this time she felt perfectly at home while floating on her back and basking in the sun. We can definitely tell that she is progressing. She is starting to get the hang of sitting up, and I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before she can do it on her own. When I hold her close to my face she puts both of her hands on my face, squeezes my cheeks and proceeds to pull my chin into her mouth. I can't tell if that's her way of giving me a kiss, or if my chin just looks that appetizing. Either way, she hasn't done that until now, so she must be getting smarter. She's also getting taller. She's just over two feet tall now, which puts her in the top half somewhere.
On Tuesday, we are seeing the developmental pediatrician. We still aren't completely sure what these appointments are for, but we are going nonetheless. He helped us figure out how to get some extra lbs. on Addison, so he's definitely good for something. We'll keep you posted on her progress when we find out more. But for now, enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Susie said...

What a precious baby girl! She'll be toddling around before you know it! WATCH closely, or you'll miss something! ;-)
Love and prayers,
Susie Wheaton