Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday, July 16

We have been traveling fools lately, leaving little time for blog updates! However, we didn’t want to keep you waiting any longer for a few new pictures.

Addison turned 7 mo. old on Sunday, which makes it time for another picture with the bear. As you can see, she’s quite the chunk these days- we have yet to find a food she doesn’t like.
We went to Boston last week for the National DS Conference. We got to meet some interesting people, and learned some good information to help Addison. She got to hang out with Grammy and BopBop while Wes and I went to the workshops, and she loved every minute of it. In fact, she had such a good time that she woke up at 4:30 every morning to get in a little extra playtime with Grammy.
Despite delays, additional flights and lost luggage, she was a great little traveler. It’s funny to watch people’s faces as you board the plane with a baby in your arms. They’re trying to smile because she’s cute, but you can see the Oh-great!-That-baby’s-going-to-cry-the-whole-flight! look in their eyes. Then as we’re de-planing we get the surprised, “I didn’t hear a peep out of her.”
Addison is loving bath time lately. She’s always liked it, but now we’ll fill up the tub, and she just splashes and stretches out those little legs. Wes calls this her “play-baby” pose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much she's grown already! Keep up the posting -- I love reading the new posts and seeing lots of pictures (the best part, of course). :)