Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, November 14

Aunt Brittan and Uncle Russ (and Berk-dog) had a long weekend last week, so they decided to get in some Tulsa time. We had a great time tossing pizza crusts, making s'mores and solving all the world's problems. Addison was a bit shy at first, but warmed up quickly and loved spending time with them. We also got to celebrate Russ passing the bar exam! Way to go, Esquire Jumper.
Addison turned 11 months old yesterday! So, of course, it was time for her obligatory bear picture. She is growing up so quickly. It's hard to believe she'll be a year old soon.

Addison's latest development is that she started to babble last week. If I may say, it is the cutest thing ever. Sometimes she seems like she really knows what she's saying, it just comes out, "bablaba, pthhh."
She's also enjoying books lately. Mostly she likes to flip the pages, hit me in the face with it, or try to put it in her mouth, but it's a start. We got her a few new ones today. We thought since she spends her days at face-level with Bear, we'd get something that relates to her world.

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